Electrical Appliance

       As a representative of “Made in China”, the household appliance industry is also in a critical period of development of “from large to strong”. In the current new era, according to the requirements of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, improve the quality of the supply system, create a number of well-known brands, high added value, high-quality household appliances products, promote the high-quality development of the household appliances industry, are the situation and task facing the household appliances industry. The demand of consumers for the household appliances in our country has changed from meeting basic use demand to individuation, diversification, intellectualization and high-end. In order to grasp the initiative in the new competition pattern, manufacturing upgrading has become the common choice of Chinese household appliance enterprises.

       MT-MES system provides real-time visibility and control over all manufacturing operations, enables full utilization of production capacity and increases throughput, and a fully integrated quality management system minimizes first quality rates, reduces nonconformities and rework. MES software can be perfectly compatible with automated, semi-automated and manual assembly processes to support enterprises to achieve automated operation planning.
